Cedar Cottage
FDT Rhepanol PIB, Standing Seam
Project Name: Cedar Cottage
Location: La Rue de la Perruque, St Martin
Roofing Contractor: KA Bailey Roofing Contractors of Jersey
Product: FDT’s Rhepanol fk
Cedar Cottage is an extensive new-build private house in a rural area overlooking the sea in St Martin, Jersey. The finished roofing is over-looked by other properties so the roofing membrane had to be aesthetically pleasing and in keeping with the location.
The architect, Design Plus, specified a standing seam finish in Rhepanol fk for its aesthetic appearance. FDT’s Rhepanol fk single ply roofing membrane is exclusive to SIG Design & Technology. Thermataper TT47 tapered insulation from Kingspan and Felt VCL from Polyglass were also supplied by SIG Design & Technology.
K A Bailey Roofing Contractors of Jersey selected Rhepanol in PIB for its environmental credentials; it is the only membrane to offer the full Life Cycle Assessment and is fully recyclable at the end of its life.
The installation demanded high levels of operative skill. The Cut to Falls insulation was bonded to the VCL in separate layers. Due to its thickness, the product needed to achieve U Values of 0.14.
Rhepanol was then cut to size to match up with the gutters and laps. To create an attractive finish to the roof, the standing-seam extruded profiles were positioned in straight lines to emulate a lead standing-seam roof build up.
Rhepanol is attached to the next sheet of membrane by a unique self-sealing edge. The seam chemical welds to display immense textile strength.
Worcester Park
FDT Rhepanol PIB, Standing Seam
Project Name: Worcester Park, Salisbury Road, Surrey
Roofing Contractor: Flat Roofing Membranes of East Sussex
Rhepanol fk from SIG Design & Technology was chosen to waterproof five areas of roofing with a total area of 949 m2 on a residential scheme at Worcester Park, Surrey.
Built by a national house-builder, the residential complex at 68-72 Salisbury Road comprises three new-build blocks of terraced-style homes. Two identical blocks comprise six units, each with a rear and front balcony (these blocks are designed with shallower barrel roof than shown in the image) and one block of five units, each with a rear balcony (as shown).
This series of five types of roof areas demanded a wide range of knowledge and skills from the installers, Flat Roofing Membranes of East Sussex. The roof design comprises flat roofed areas, curved and barrel-vaulted sections, dormers, timber decking to balconies, many areas of intricate detailing and pitches up over 45°. Speed of installation was critical despite adverse weather conditions.
The roof build-up is waterproofed by Rhepanol fk in light grey, a unique single ply membrane system that can emulate a metal roofing effect. In this application, Rhepanol fk mimics a lead standing seam roofing system.
There are five areas of roofing with a total area of 949 m2. They comprise:
- 245m2 barrel type roofing; 100mm thermal insulation, FDT vapour barrier fk and waterproofed by 2.5mm Rhepanol fk in light grey
- The 430m2 main roof build-up comprises polythene VCL, 120mm insulation which is mechanically fixed; and Rhepanol fk waterproofing
- Dormers and cheeks are an equal build-up; but without VCL or insulation
- There are 16 terraces measuring 160 m2 with plywood substrate and 100mm thermal tissue-faced PIR insulation
- 102m2 of balconies – all 17 measuring 6m2 each with timber decking over polythene […]
Lakeside Manor Care Home
FDT Rhepanol PIB, Standing Seam
Name of project: Juniper Court Extra Care Centre
Location: Jersey
Architect: Robert Adams Architects
Main contractor: AC Mauger
Roofing contactor: KA Bailey Roofing Contractors of Jersey
Product: FDT’s Rhepanol fk in light grey
Lakeside Manor Care Home & Independent Living Apartments at St Peter on the Channel Island of Jersey is a luxury new build project by AC Mauger, one of the largest main contractors on the islands.
Robert Adams Architects from the UK selected Rhepanol fk single ply from SIG Design Technology for its aesthetic quality plus speed and ease of installation for multi-use roof applications. Jersey based Ken Bailey was appointed as roofing contractor.
At Lakeside Manor Care Home there are two main roof areas to the project each measuring some 200 m2 . Rhepanol fk in light grey was bonded to the timber deck and fitted to the gutters on either side; a lead capping encloses the total area which is waterproofed Rhepanol fk.
Rhepanol fk is the only PIB single ply roofing membrane to have a full Life Cycle Assessment in accordance with ISO 14040 part ff proving its environmental credentials as the world’s most sustainable single ply. Several balconies measuring approximately 400 m2 in total also received Rhepanol fk waterproofing.
All of the gutters on the balconies were also waterproofed in Rhepanol fk and these were then coated with Rhepanol Copper Paint to prevent the build-up of algae and moss that can accumulate when falls in the gutter are limited.
Ken Bailey said: ‘Rhepanol is a universal membrane that is well suited to the task. Our main practical challenge was to synchronise our work with following trades, carpenters and lead